The One at the Well

John 4

*what it means to be satisfied*

13 Jesus replied, “Anyone who drinks this water will soon become thirsty again. 14 But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.”


*how to maintain satisfaction*

34 Then Jesus explained: “My nourishment comes from doing the will of God, who sent me, and from finishing his work.


Once you get a glimpse of the vision, it fuels your life.  You go from aimless wandering to purposed steps.

At the end of the day, we’re all just searching for purpose. For meaning. 

Sustained satisfaction is actually possible but many people just don’t tap into the Well. It bubbles from within you for eternal satisfaction (v 14). 

You have to make the effort every day to tap into the Well.

1.  Recognize your limitations > you will inevitably feel depleted with your own resources

o   The more you think about how hungry you are, the more you appreciate the food when you get to eat

o   We can’t fully appreciate this gift of the Well without first recognizing that we’re thirsty.

o   We will always be thirsty without the Well.

o   Culture says clout, recognition, money, and people will satisfy but these never fail to leave us feeling emptier than before.

2. Remember the Well (v14) and His will (v34)

o   You have unlimited access to unmatched power, uncontainable joy, unconditional love, and unbelievable peace. 

o   Jesus maintains satisfaction by doing the will of God and finishing the work.

o   In the moments when you don’t feel like it, or when you don’t think you can, remember what God has called you to and who He has created you to be

3. Reach in > make the actual effort of drinking the water

o   Each day, each moment, you have to make the conscious decision to tap into the Well until it becomes your first instinct.

Dive Deeper:

1.     Where do you find yourself putting your satisfaction in things outside of God?

2.     Can you think of a time when Jesus was seemingly not enough?

3.     Why is it so hard to remain satisfied in Jesus and what He calls us to do?

4.     How does knowing that you have unlimited access to what Jesus died to give us change your perspective on how you handle different situations?

5.     Jesus maintains satisfaction by remembering the will of God and finishing the work. Can you identify one thing God has willed for you (A vision, promise, name, gifting, etc)? How will this fuel your life when you feel depleted?

6.     Which of the three steps is the hardest to do?

7.     How will this recognition of Jesus as the Well transform your everyday life?


Space for Grace.


Advent Week 4: Love.